blank LMU Munich Faculty for Chemistry and Pharmacy


Die Terminpläne finden Sie im Vorlesungsverzeichnis LSF. Die aktualisierte Version unserer Ankündigung Lehrveranstaltungen finden Sie hier:

Ankündigung Lehrveranstaltungen Pharm. Technologie SoSe 2025

Nähere Informationen zu den einzelnen Lehrveranstaltungen finden Sie demnächst in

“Wahlpflichtfach” in Pharmaceutical Technology

Students applying for the Wahlpflichtfach course in our group will get an opportunity to work on their own small research project related to the research activities of our group and are typically supporting a running Ph.D. research project. Besides a short report written in scientific style they get the chance to deliver a short (10 min) oral presentation in the technology seminar and improve their presentation skills.

Bachelor Thesis

Students applying for a bachelor thesis will get their own small project. They have to spent about 4 weeks in the research lab plus the time needed to write a small thesis. Typically the Bachelor thesis is supervised by a Ph.D. student or postdoc and comprises a relevant sub-part of a PhD. research topic. After the thesis has been submitted a short presentation/discussion in the technology seminar ( 15 min) is requested.

Master Thesis

We are always happy to host students for their master thesis. The duration of a master thesis is 5 months in the lab plus some time for writing. The master students will be full members of the research team. Master theses often address new topics alongside existing research areas, “high risk” projects or special scientific questions that need to be answered in the context of a larger reaserch project. Master Theses are supervised by the professor, a post-doc and/or Ph.D. students. The master thesis can lead to a publication and or a poster for a conference. After the thesis has been completed, a oral presentation in the technology seminar ( 20 min) is requested. The master thesis has to be defended in a Master exam with 2 professors from 2 different areas.