blank LMU Munich Faculty for Chemistry and Pharmacy

Felix Sieber-Schäfer

Felix Sieber-Schäfer (PhD Student)


Since February 2023 PhD Student, Merkel Lab, LMU Munich
2023 Board License as Pharmacist
2022 Pharmacy Resident, Merkel Lab, LMU Munich
2022 Pharmacy Resident, Retail Pharmacy
2021 Student Assistant, Merkel Lab, LMU Munich
2017 - 2021 Pharmacy School, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany
2013-2016 Health Sciences (B.Sc), TU Munich

Publications: Kromer APE, Sieber-Schäfer F, Farfan Benito J, Merkel OM*: Design of Experiments Grants Mechanistic Insights into the Synthesis of Spermine-Containing PBAE Copolymers
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2024, ahead of print,